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To all MEAHA ASSOCIATIONS and USA Hockey Members in Maine

March 16, 2020 

To all MEAHA Associations and Members, 

To say the past week has been crazy and unfortunate would be an understatement. USA Hockey Sectional, Regional and National Tournaments were cancelled, schools and universities have shut-down, professional and collegiate sporting events have been cancelled, and we know of several rinks that have shut down with other non-sports related venues following suit.  Yesterday the State of Maine declared a State of Emergency, and it is likely more restrictions will be placed on our activities going forward.  We are in uncharted territory here and we must take action for the good of the public and protection of our participants and their families.

With the situation in-flux, and based on USA Hockey's directive giving the Affiliates authority to make decisions based on current events and local circumstances, Effective Immediately the MEAHA Executive Committee is prohibiting any USA Hockey sanctioned play, including but not limited to tryouts, for ALL USA Hockey Member programs in the Maine Affiliate (aka: Everyone) until further notice.  MEAHA will monitor issues related to the COVID-19 Pandemic and may alter this directive as information becomes available.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in the matter.

Best Regards,

Mike Keaney


Maine Amateur Hockey Association

Maine Amateur Hockey NOTICE

To all,

After discussion with the Executive Board and Directors of Maine Amateur Hockey, the decision has been made, out of and abundance of caution, to cancel all hockey games in Maine for this coming weekend, thru Tuesday, October 13.

I apologize for the late notice but the board feels that it is in the best interest of all involved to cancel until we can get clarification from the Maine Department of Human Services regarding playing this season.  Attempts to reach them for clarification were unsuccessful this afternoon.

Practices are allowed as long as you follow local guidelines. 

Once again, if you are contacted by media outlets regarding the situation, feel free to give them my number.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Mike Keaney
Maine Amateur Hockey Association



Statement Regarding Recent COVID-19

From:  Michael Keaney, President 

            Maine Amateur Hockey Association

October 13, 2020

On Friday, October 9th, 2020, Maine Amateur Hockey Association (MEAHA), the Maine affiliate for USA Hockey, received a letter from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services Commissioner, Jeanne Lambrew.  Upon receipt, MEAHA attempted to contact the commissioner’s office for clarification and to open a dialogue with Maine DHHS to develop an appropriate path forward. We did not receive a response at that time.  MEAHA was able to contact Commissioner Lambrew’s office late this afternoon and we are hopeful to have the opportunity to discuss the situation in the coming days. 

MEAHA’s executive board met on Friday evening and the decision was made to cancel all MEAHA sanctioned games in the State of Maine thru October 13, 2020.  This decision was made out of an abundance of caution so that all of our member associations and partner rink operators could review and confirm that all Maine CDC COVID-19 Guidelines and USA Hockey’s return to play guidelines (USAH Returning to the Rinks) were being properly followed. 

MEAHA believes that we have been compliant, at all times, with all state laws and executive orders since return to practice/play activities began in July.  The safety of our players, coaches and officials is foremost in all protocols that have been implemented to protect our members during this unprecedented time.  We will continue to reach out to the Maine Department of Health and Human Services and hope to have our 5,000 + participants return to the rinks in Maine as soon and as safely as possible.

A decision on this coming weekend’s scheduled games will be made by Friday, October 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM.